I am thinking about writing short stories, and maybe even books in my various story-universes.
To let me know what I should be working on, which universes you might be interested in, please complete the survey we have created.
It’s a text survey, you can write whatever you would like me to write about.
This is the first in the surveys – this will help me decide which universes I will write in.
The existing universes I am suggesting are
- The Forlorn
- Rats Bats and Vats Universe
- Pyramid Scheme Universe
- A Mankind Witch universe (as part of the Heirs Universe)
- The Karres universe- (this would be MINOR characters, not Pausert, Goth, the Leewit)
- Slow Train to Arcturus Universe
- Dragon’s Ring
I will add to these possibilities from any shorts I have done, barring ‘Red Fiddler’.
It’s a one answer survey, so think of the universes I’ve written in and choose which one you want. One universe only.
Take the survey now and get me started.